All Publications:
Scott LC, Bartley S, Dowling NF, Richardson LC. Finding ‘Bright Spots’: Using Multiple Measures to Examine Local-Area Racial Equity in Cancer Death Outcomes. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2020.
Dawood FS, Ricks P, et int [including Scott LC], Bennett S. The Global Epidemiology of COVID-19: Observations from the Pre-Pandemic Period using Web-based Surveillance. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2020 .doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30581-8.
Culp MB, Benard V, Dowling NF, King J, Lu H, Rao C, Scott LC, Wilson R, Wu M. Ocular melanoma incidence rates and trends in the United States, 2001–2016. Eye. 2020.
Sharma KP, DeGroff A, Scott L, Shrestha S, Melillo S, Sabatino SA. Correlates of colorectal cancer screening rates in primary care clinics serving low income, medically underserved populations. Preventive medicine. 2019 Jul 15:105774.
Scott LC, Mobley LR, Kuo TM, Il’yasova D. Update on triple‐negative breast cancer disparities for the United States: A population‐based study from the United States Cancer Statistics database, 2010 through 2014. Cancer. 2019 Jul 8.
Scott LC, Barker LE, Richardson LC. Using Population Health Measures to Evaluate the Environmental Burden of Cancer at the County Level. Preventing chronic disease. 16 (2019): E45.
Mobley L, Kuo TM, Scott L, Rutherford Y, Bose S. Modeling Geospatial Patterns of Late-Stage Diagnosis of Breast Cancer in the US. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2017, 14 (5), 484.
Scott L, Mobley L, Il’yasova D. Geospatial Analysis of Inflammatory Breast Cancer and Associated Community Characteristics in the United States. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2017;14(4):404.
Mobley LR, Scott L, Rutherford Y, Kuo TM. Using Residential Segregation to Predict Colorectal Cancer Stage at Diagnosis: Two Different Approaches. Annals of Epidemiology. doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2016.11.008, 2016 Nov.
McLean LS, Watkins, CN, et int [including Scott LC], Brantley E. Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Ligand 5F 203 Induces Oxidative Stress That Triggers DNA Damage in Human Breast Cancer Cells. Chemical research in toxicology, 28: 855-871, 2015 Mar.